Tuesday, March 15, 2005


ReAl LiFe WaRd AnNoUnCeMeNtS:
(By BeTtYaNnE bRuIn)

1. The Ward Emergency Fair, scheduled for this evening, has been cancelled due to a disaster.

2. For those of you who drive to the church and don’t realize it, please remember not to park in handicapped spaces.

3. Sister Thurmond cannot find her Great Great Grandmother Lucy Johnson. If anyone in the Ward is from North Carolina and can help Sister Thurmond find her Great Great Grandmother, she would greatly appreciate it.

4. The third hour of this Sunday’s meetings, the Bishop will speak about concerns regarding the break down of the family, after which we will sing, “Families Can Be Together Forever.”

5. A fireside will be held at the Stake Center tonight to discuss burnt offerings.

6. For those souls who want to be sure the shoe fits for next week’s lesson, feel free to refer to your footnotes.

7. The Scouts will be sponsoring a bean cook-off this Saturday. Don’t let something like this pass without notice.

8. The High Priests will be meeting at the church at 7 p.m. tonight to finish their work raising the dead.

9. Teachers, please remember to never write on the chalkboard, not to talk in class and to sit quietly in your seat, and our lessons will go a lot smoother.

10. Sister’s, don’t forget the D.I. drive to be held this Thursday at the church at 7 p.m. Get rid of everything you no longer need. And don't forget your husbands!”

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