Thursday, January 15, 2009


Top Ten Worst Things About Moving Into a New Ward
by Bettyanne Bruin

For about five years,
you are "out" while everyone else is "in".

This is when you run the highest risk
of being called into the nursery.

You will, most likely,
have to give a talk in sacrament meeting...
unless your first name is Kristin.

Because of the unspoken reserved seating in the chapel,
you have no idea which one pew is available
for your family to sit on in sacrament meeting.

You now have to listen in Sunday School
rather than looking around the room
and projecting what's probably happening
in the lives of every other person in class.

Trying to convince yourself that
the sea of fake smiles
that constantly approaches you
really is real.

When you and/or your spouse
bump into that old flame
or the relative of that old flame.

Trying to figure out which of the many odd groups
you will end up hanging out with and,
until you figure this out,
realizing you have to be nice to all of them.

Hoping your first comment in Sunday School
helps you fit in
and not alienate you even more.

The overwhelming fear that one day
your bishop will call and say,
"You seem like nice people,
however we prefer
you not attend
our ward anymore."


Unknown said...

Funny and true!

Now you need to do the top 10 worst things about moving into a singles those are torture. And top would have to be:

1. Getting asked out by every guy because you are the new girl. And they have all gone on dates with all the other girls.

another good one would be:

2. Having to attend Family night, even though they aren't your family.

Rachel said...

Somthing good about attending a new ward-- when you learn everyone's names, you can come up with great mnuemonic devices like Sister Murphy wears MuuMuus. Later, these can be used to play a rousing game of "I'm thinking of a ward member who..."

Britni said...

The first two wards we moved into as newlyweds we were immediately called into the nursery. In the third one, I told the bishop we did not want to be there.

Anonymous said...

Members of the church should be genuinely loving and Christlike to all...having to be nice to everyone until you figure out which group you will fit in with or having to listen in sunday school because you don't know the people well enough to sit there and gossip and judge them...come on, this really is not what the Gospel of Jesus Christ teaches.

And if the bishop calls you to a position in the ward, it's because service is needed in building the kingdom--it's not our place to pick and choose where the Lord needs us to serve.

Anonymous said...

I stumbled across your blog on LDS BLOGS. I thought you mighe be interested in a site my wife and I just built called, which uses simple, explanatory videos to explain the Mormon faith. Feel free to feature any of these videos on your blog, or just share them with non-member friends. We're hoping these videos will be missionary tools to help members share their beliefs. Anyway, sorry to spam your comments section. I couldn't find any contact information for you on your blog.

- Doug & Laurel

Ashlee Andersen said...

This is so true! We have had our fair share of new wards.. Speaking in church and taking someone's "reserved" seating is just about the worst things!

I hope you guys had a great Easter! We need to have you guys come down and visit for the weekend.