Why Mormon Men are So Grumpy
1 -
Because Mormon men believe in the next life,
they pace themselves in this life--
there's plenty of time to have fun...
in the next life!
2 -
Because this life is a test
and tests aren't fun.
3 -
Because this life is meant to endure
and enduring is not fun.
4 -
Because if Mormon men are happy,
their friends and family might think they are too lighthearted
and if their friends and family think they are too lighthearted,
they might start smoking and drinking because of this.
5 -
Because men are that they might have joy
was only meant for those who lived
during Book of Mormon times.
6 -
Because having fun is not as rewarding
as feeling a sense of control over one's environment
by being grumpy.
7 -
Because they are preoccupied with the fact that they cannot sin
and possibly Mormon men would like to sin
if they really had the choice--
or at least this might be their perception.
8 -
Because the idea of having a wife and children
and grandchildren and great-grandchildren and so on,
really does bother them.
9 -
Because they never get what they really want,
which raises the question,
what do they really want?
10 -
Because, for them, being grumpy is so much more fun
than being happy!